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Micro-enterprise Development for our NDIS Clients

What is a Micro-enterprise?

A Micro-enterprise is a small business with a start-up cost of less than $500 that can be owned and operated by a person with disability support from NDIS, their family and the community.
Microenterprise plays a highly important role in employment creation and income generation, providing access to low-income individuals who have not been able to work due to disabilities, medical conditions and language barriers
Clients with an NDIS plan may now access funding through their plan for supported employment to develop and work in their Micro-Enterprise as stated under Supported Employment on the NDIS website ‘Participants can purchase frequent and ongoing on-the-job employment supports using their plan funding. They can use these supports in any workplace they choose, including government and non-government organisations, an ADE, social enterprises, micro-businesses, or in self-employment or a family run business.’ 
Here at 100 Mile Foodie we have worked with 4 young people living with a disability to develop their own micro-enterprise. We discuss with our clients, their families and their support teacher what they would like to develop into a business which will not only give them an income but ownership, employment and most importantly a purpose, a balance between business and purpose.

I would like to introduce you to our 2 Micro-enterprises developed here at 100 Mile Foodie,

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Nathan Samuel

Nathan’s Spice mix

Nathan’s Micro-enterprise was born out of a discussion I had with Nathan’s parents as to what he could do to really build his confidence, have ownership of and help him to interact more within the community. I asked Nathan’s parents Melanie and Nesa, both from Sri Lankan heritage, if they had a family spice mix that had been handed down through the generations and from that Nathan's 11 Spice Roasted Curry Powder was born.

The roasted curry spice mix is a fourth generation spice mix roasted and now blended each time by 3 generations, Nathan, his parents and grandmother all putting the love and care into each jar just as it has been for four generations.

Nathan sells his Nathan's 11 Spice Roasted Curry Powder to Chef’s, butchers, health food shops and clients of 100 Mile Foodie, we are very proud of Nathan and see incredible growth in him since he started his Micro-enterprise and look forward to continuing to support him in the future.

Nathan is 28 years old and lives with Asperger's syndrome.

Nathan's Spice Mix

Amelia Watkins

Amelia’s Cookie Co.

Amelia was my first client living with a disability in October 2018, that phone call in September 2018 from Amelia’s Mum Lara changed the course of my business forever.
Lara was looking for a Chef to teach her daughter Amelia, 15, some cooking skills. Amelia has some sensory challenges which meant she had a limited diet, and a poor relationship with food.
Amelia and I soon built a solid rapport, and Amelia attended the cooking school with me twice a week.
One day Amelia asked if we could make Dotty cookies, they were her favourite if she was out at a cafe with friends or family.Our next session together we baked a batch and I commented, I think we could sell these and Amelia’s Cookie Co was born.
Amelia began baking Dotty cookies and a few other varieties advertising them on social media with pick up on Saturday mornings at the 100 Mile Foodie cooking school.Amelia’s Cookie Co soon grew and now she supplies local cafes, a basketball stadium canteen, local clients, family and friends.
Amelia is 16 years old and lives with Autism
Amelia’s Cookie Co
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