We all love a Farmer’s Market. But have any of you tried a food swap? I think it might be my new favourite way to source fantastic, fresh produce grown right here on the Mornington Peninsula. I went to one the other day in Pearcedale and came home with the most amazing ingredients including dehydrated pine mushrooms and Jerusalem artichokes.
The season is so short for Jerusalem artichokes that you don’t often see them, even at the best greengrocers. And the mushrooms probably would have cost me $30 to buy. Instead I swapped them for some cake I had baked that morning.
But I think the best part of the whole experience was meeting and chatting to other people who share my passion for seasonable, sustainable and ethically produced food. I used the Jerusalem artichokes to make a delicious soup. It’s simple but refined and wouldn’t be out of place in a fine dining restaurant.
600g Jerusalem artichokes
100g butter
3 cups vegetable stock
1 tsp fresh lemon thyme
1 tsp lemon zest
Salt to taste
To serve
Juice of a lemon
Grating of fresh nutmeg
Wash and scrub artichokes if organic or wash and peel if not, slice into thick rounds
Place a medium size saucepan on a high heat, add the butter, when melted add the artichoke rounds.
Fry artichokes until slightly browned then add vegetable stock, fresh lemon thyme, lemon zest and salt.
Cook until artichokes are soft then cool slightly.
Blend in food processor until silky smooth.
Add lemon juice, salt and cracked pepper to taste, serve in bowls with grated nutmeg on top.